1- No recovery value- it will solve the manhole cover stolen problem thoroughly.

2- High load capacity –its high load capacity exceeds the ductile iron .

3- Free design –It can be designed according to users’ demand ,including color, pattern,  specification .

4 – Long service life –it can be used more than 30 years and there is no any crack in the experiment of 2,000,000 fatigue shocks .

5- Well sealed- it can be used hermetically and effectively prevent those poisonous gases leaking out from cesspool .

6- No any jangle –there is neither jangle nor rebound when cares pass through .

7- Good wear and corrosion resistance – it will never rusts because it has wear and corrosion .
Splice Manhole

The innovative prefabricated from GRP airtight Manhole for high security of telecommunications and many
other applications. (Patent No. GR-1004833/02.03.2005 - Pat pending in all WIPO member countries)
The best solution for fast deployment of network infrastructure and absolute access security for complete
fiber protection in metropolitan or long haul fiber optic networks and any other cable infrastructure.
Load specifications available: A125, C250, D400